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Several hours to be free after Gaokao? How about lifelong learning?

I think the "ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated" pursuit of knowledge should be highlighted today.

Several good habits should be fostered for lifelong learning.

You know that. Many student learned hard before gaokao, but after that, they might be abandon learning something.

Those lifelong learners recognize the importance and joy of growth and personal development, so they never settle for what they currently know and always seek to improve and build upon their current knowledge.

Answered: June 10, 2021

I never experience the gaokao.

I mean I am not hard work to learning sometimes ago. I think the students study in the class room are stupid and boring but one day I graduate from the college, and I join the company to work after to really know this world.

I regret today I am twenty two years old I can't to slove some problems in the company meanwhile I found that I can't doing anything so now I have a goal I want to pass the self_study test then I want to pass the Minster test to circle my dream. I want to study in the university to meet some really intelligent people to complete my life and heart.

So experience this.

Actually I am not happy everyday.

I hate life on this time a months ago a girl refuses me to be her boyfriend
and my career meet some questions.

I find a really important problems in my body maybe it still on my body never away alought after this I have a lot of power but it is hard.

Answered: June 13, 2021

See you again

Answered: June 08, 2021

I support students to have a good rest after Gaokao since they'very paid so much efforts for this bigmoment. However, they should recognize the power and joy of learning knowledge and not to hate learning after Gaokao. Students should enjoy self-improvement and always pursue to be a better person. I believe this is the real meaning of education. 

Answered: June 20, 2021

I'm a graduate of high school and just start my long vacation. Before Gaokao, I couldn't help imagining the unrestrained life. With the last exam finished, I felt calm and frustrated, knowing something was decided by destiny and it would have an impact on my whole life.

My favorite teacher who teaches chemistry spent 45 minutes telling us that Gaokao was not an end  but a beginning. It is right indeed.

From my perspective, learning is not merely referred to knowledge but the approach to tackle enormous difficulties and the way to get on with different individuals. It is never late to learn. Life-long learning is a must for the society developing at a high rate. If one doesn't stick to learning, not only will he be abandoned by the era, but also feel foreigned to the surroundings.

Answered: June 15, 2021

While true (copy and think, then do it, improve it) again and again.

Answered: June 16, 2021

The main reason of abandoning lifelong learning is that lacking sufficient interest. In another word, learning means less attraction to people. Once they realize the benefit of learning, it would not be a tough thing to insist. So to cultivate the habit of learning, the first thing is to dig out the reason why to learn.

Answered: July 05, 2021

Have a nice vacation, but I think the real test is waiting for you in college. I hope you can make a good plan for your vacation. As the saying goes, foresight leads to success, and unforesight leads to failure.

Answered: June 16, 2021

I agree with you, someone around me who always reminds me, learning is a hard, long-term thing,eventually, it will pay back to you in a unknown way.

Answered: June 14, 2021

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. Lifelong learning can not be avoided, we should cultivate our interests toward studying. I know it is hard and painful, but only if we experience this hard process, we can gain or achieve something. 
At some point, if you want to be successful, then you have to hug pain and find  honey from learning.

Answered: July 06, 2021

The China Story at your Fingertips
Several hours to be free after Gaokao? How about lifelong learning?

I think the "ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated" pursuit of knowledge should be highlighted today.

Several good habits should be fostered for lifelong learning.

You know that. Many student learned hard before gaokao, but after that, they might be abandon learning something.

Those lifelong learners recognize the importance and joy of growth and personal development, so they never settle for what they currently know and always seek to improve and build upon their current knowledge.

Answered: June 10, 2021


I never experience the gaokao.

I mean I am not hard work to learning sometimes ago. I think the students study in the class room are stupid and boring but one day I graduate from the college, and I join the company to work after to really know this world.

I regret today I am twenty two years old I can't to slove some problems in the company meanwhile I found that I can't doing anything so now I have a goal I want to pass the self_study test then I want to pass the Minster test to circle my dream. I want to study in the university to meet some really intelligent people to complete my life and heart.

So experience this.

Actually I am not happy everyday.

I hate life on this time a months ago a girl refuses me to be her boyfriend
and my career meet some questions.

I find a really important problems in my body maybe it still on my body never away alought after this I have a lot of power but it is hard.

Answered: June 13, 2021


See you again

Answered: June 08, 2021

love you more than 3000

I support students to have a good rest after Gaokao since they'very paid so much efforts for this bigmoment. However, they should recognize the power and joy of learning knowledge and not to hate learning after Gaokao. Students should enjoy self-improvement and always pursue to be a better person. I believe this is the real meaning of education. 

Answered: June 20, 2021


I'm a graduate of high school and just start my long vacation. Before Gaokao, I couldn't help imagining the unrestrained life. With the last exam finished, I felt calm and frustrated, knowing something was decided by destiny and it would have an impact on my whole life.

My favorite teacher who teaches chemistry spent 45 minutes telling us that Gaokao was not an end  but a beginning. It is right indeed.

From my perspective, learning is not merely referred to knowledge but the approach to tackle enormous difficulties and the way to get on with different individuals. It is never late to learn. Life-long learning is a must for the society developing at a high rate. If one doesn't stick to learning, not only will he be abandoned by the era, but also feel foreigned to the surroundings.

Answered: June 15, 2021