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Can buyer get arrested for buying a child?


NO excuse, I think it should be the same crime for both.

Answered: Dec 09, 2021

Yes, amendment IX to the Criminal Law stipulates the crime of "buying abducted women and children".

Answered: Dec 09, 2021

Well, that's a easy question, children shouldn't be goods. Sellers and Buyers are both guilty.

Answered: Dec 18, 2021

yes, why not, when they buying a child, have a family lost a baby.

Answered: Dec 13, 2021

Buyers want to buy a child. In other words,buyers creates the demand in the market. If they get arrested due to such buying, they will be afraid and decrease their purchase demand. Under such condition, the children sellers will exit  the market as less demand. Such policy deserves to be launched.

Answered: Jan 14, 2022

no buy no sell

Answered: Dec 26, 2021

Of course. The buyer is not innocent.

Answered: Jan 15, 2022


Answered: Dec 30, 2021

Yes, l hold a resolute view that it should be proposed and strictly measured.

Answered: Dec 16, 2021

Sun Zhuo, be strong!

Answered: Dec 15, 2021

The China Story at your Fingertips
Can buyer get arrested for buying a child?


NO excuse, I think it should be the same crime for both.

Answered: Dec 09, 2021


Yes, amendment IX to the Criminal Law stipulates the crime of "buying abducted women and children".

Answered: Dec 09, 2021


Well, that's a easy question, children shouldn't be goods. Sellers and Buyers are both guilty.

Answered: Dec 18, 2021


yes, why not, when they buying a child, have a family lost a baby.

Answered: Dec 13, 2021


Buyers want to buy a child. In other words,buyers creates the demand in the market. If they get arrested due to such buying, they will be afraid and decrease their purchase demand. Under such condition, the children sellers will exit  the market as less demand. Such policy deserves to be launched.

Answered: Jan 14, 2022