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What will you do with human trafficker?

Sentenced to death? Many people would think so. But does it really resort to those kind of problems?

When the buying stops, the killing can too.

It drives me to read some stories about the "lost and found" boys called Sun Zhuo and Fu Jiantao. 

You can image the picture: Oct 9, 2007, in Shenzhen, a 3 or 4-year-old boy has been abducted by a man with a toy and snacks. Then his parents begain their journey to search their son. Now they found him.

People have felt the warmth of witnessing the parents reunite with their son. But nobody know how difficult the road it is.

Those human trafficker should be sentenced into prison or death. But what we can do to stop this to happen again. It will be a huge question for us to consider.


Answered: Dec 07, 2021

In my opinion, there are two points that is pretty important; one is that our government must take effective measures to curb human trafficking and the other is that all of us in the society should pay more attention to human trafficking.

The government should make stricter laws for the criminals, trying its utmost to regulate the behavior of everyone and intimidate criminals.

Answered: Dec 09, 2021

Sentence to death.

Answered: Dec 08, 2021

Sentence to death.

Answered: Dec 20, 2021

No buying no hurting!

Answered: Feb 05, 2022

Sentence to death.

Answered: Jan 18, 2022

Human trafficking under globalization is especially worthy of being investigate, which is related to global immigration.

Answered: Jan 02, 2022

On the one hand, parents should pay more attention to kids to ensure their safety and also tell them don't follow strangers. One the other hand, government should crackdown human traffickers hardly and let the awareness of prohibiting human traffickers deep into people's hearts.

Answered: Dec 23, 2021

I think that the phenomenon is quite serious about us.

Answered: Dec 22, 2021

In my view, I think the first thing to stop it is to find why there have be so many traffickers. Because no buyiny no hurting.

Answered: Dec 13, 2021

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The China Story at your Fingertips
What will you do with human trafficker?

Sentenced to death? Many people would think so. But does it really resort to those kind of problems?

When the buying stops, the killing can too.

It drives me to read some stories about the "lost and found" boys called Sun Zhuo and Fu Jiantao. 

You can image the picture: Oct 9, 2007, in Shenzhen, a 3 or 4-year-old boy has been abducted by a man with a toy and snacks. Then his parents begain their journey to search their son. Now they found him.

People have felt the warmth of witnessing the parents reunite with their son. But nobody know how difficult the road it is.

Those human trafficker should be sentenced into prison or death. But what we can do to stop this to happen again. It will be a huge question for us to consider.


Answered: Dec 07, 2021


In my opinion, there are two points that is pretty important; one is that our government must take effective measures to curb human trafficking and the other is that all of us in the society should pay more attention to human trafficking.

The government should make stricter laws for the criminals, trying its utmost to regulate the behavior of everyone and intimidate criminals.

Answered: Dec 09, 2021


Sentence to death.

Answered: Dec 08, 2021


Sentence to death.

Answered: Dec 20, 2021


No buying no hurting!

Answered: Feb 05, 2022